It isn’t a man’s world or a woman’s world. It’s a “me” world. And I’m sick of it.
Everywhere you look it’s all about me. My stuff, my opinion, my rights, my way, and that’s only the beginning.
The “me factor” especially dominates the investment world. The idea is to take money and make more money. I’m not against money. I like money. But we’ve put too much emphasis on making money and investing to get more of it.
Money comes and goes. The stock market bounces up and down. Interest rates fluctuate. Some investments pay off, others don’t. But even if your investments go through the roof and make more money, it’s still only money.
The older I get the more I’m looking for investments that last. And the only investment I know of that lasts are the investments we make in others.
Part of the ReFIRE process focuses on the word “invest.” It recognizes it is time to give back to others. Many people invested in you to make you what you are today. They loaned you money. Gave you advice. Gave you a shoulder to cry on. Pulled you out of the ghetto and gutter. Where would you be this moment without those people who invested in you?
If you want this chapter of your life to be the best you must begin investing in the lives of other people. Help someone. Pour your life into their life. Give someone money who really needs it. Give a single mom who struggles a car so she doesn’t need to make a car payment. Mentor someone. As you enter this new chapter of life use whatever assets you have to help someone else. Invest in people.
Investing in others is a sure-fire investment because it lives on after you are gone.
When you pour yourself into a younger life the investment continues to yield a return. And when the person you’ve helped helps someone else the cycle continues. Your financial assets will not follow you to the grave. SO why do you keep spending this chapter of life trying to stockpile more money? Investing in others is the investment which keeps on paying dividends long after you are gone.
Investing in others is a sure-fire investment because it has the potential for exponential returns.
If you decide every year to mentor or help only two people and each of them do the same by helping two people every year the return on investment is staggering. I’m not a math expert but I know when things expand exponentially the result is amazing. By helping only two people a year, and having those two pass it one, you’ve begun a chair reaction which could change the world.
Investing in others is a sure-fire investment because it helps define your legacy.
As we age, the issue of legacy looms larger. We wonder how others will remember us. I’ve written about the importance of working on your legacy in THIS post. But investing in others builds your legacy. At your funeral, if you’ve invested in others, no one will sit around trying to think of nice things to say about you. People will fight to grab the microphone to pay tribute to the person who cared enough to help. Investing in others is a legacy builder.
Investing in others is a sure-fire investment because it gives you a new sense of purpose.
When you near retirement the question of “what next” is forced upon you. It’s a legitimate question. But society leads us to believe It’s time to retire from life. Our culture says it is “your time.” When you think about investing in others the “what next” question is not so unanswerable. When you decide to invest in others you will have a new sense of purpose. Investing in others is a way to invest in yourself.
Will you keep chasing financial investments and ignoring the only sure-fire investment? Let me encourage you to use this new chapter to help others. Whether it is to say words of encouragement or to become a full-fledged mentor find a way to invest in someone else. I make you this 100% iron clad guarantee: you will never be sorry!
If you would like to know more about the ReFIRE process and the Invest principle I’ve created a free infographic for you which gives you more information. You can claim it by using this simple form:
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Dr. Hartman, this is terrific truth!
This is so true, Randy. And if you have a compassionate heart, it’s not hard to naturally reach out to others with love and encouragement!