If you made $1,000,000 a year would you cut your salary back to $70,000 so your coworkers could make $70,000 a year? Would you invest your salary into the pay package of those around you? Think of it: this would be a voluntary REDUCTION of salary by $930,000.
Who would go for such a crazy idea? This week we know the answer: Dan Price who is the CEO of Gravity Payments.
Monday afternoon he addressed his 120 employees as they gathered together. He announced a plan to increase everyone’s pay, even the mail clerk’s salary, to at least $70,000 within three years. This plan doubles the salary of 30 employees and significantly increases others. To pay for this restructuring, Dan is lowering his salary from $1,000,000 to $70,000 and will use projected company profits.
I’m wondering if he has any job openings?
Dan revealed he first thought of this idea while contemplating the huge salary disparity between CEOs and everybody else. In America a CEO averages around 300 times more than the people he leads. CEO Dan decided the time had come to share the wealth and invest in people.
The actions of Dan Price demonstrate a great truth: those who have should invest in those who have not.
Think of all God has given you. Are you thinking of money and material things? What about your influence at work or church? Are you able to instill confidence? What do you have which could be used to invest in those who don’t have?
I’m wondering what would happen if everyone invested in the life of someone else? I’m thinking if the “haves” invested in the “have nots” the world would experience a transformation.
What could you give someone who is without? A car? Money? A good book? An encouraging word? A smile? A kind word?
And maybe it is time for you to consider investing long-term by becoming a mentor. Mentoring someone is the ultimate investment in the life of someone else. Is there someone at church or work who could benefit by pouring your life into them?
Now comes the fun part. As you go through this day look for someone in whom you can invest. It might be a big investment or small. But the idea is to look for someone to invest in.
- As you wait in line at Starbucks, give the cashier an extra five bucks to pay for the coffee of the next one in line.
- If you know of a ministry needing a vehicle go buy them one.
- At the grocery store find the crabbiest person and flash them a huge grin.
- Send an email to the new person at church and offer to meet with them every week to talk about God.
- Use your influence at work to get someone a job.
- Make a mortgage payment for the struggling single mom.
There is no end to the ways we can invest in the lives of others. I’m not concerned if it is giving up $930,000 of your salary or taking the time to encourage the discouraged.
Good suggestions on how to invest in something or someone. Praying about it.
I’ve had such wonderful people invest in me over the years. It’s time I let God show me who I need to invest in now. Thanks again, Randy, for these words.