In 10 days The 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge begins. November 1 is the start of 30 days of eating less and losing weight. Will you be ready?
You might be ready but I can tell you now what will happen. Most readers will not participate. Why? Because most will come up with an excuse to ignore The Challenge.
But Wait! There’s good news. If you know the excuses which are coming you can knock them out of the way.
Here are the 5 lame excuses you will try to use to avoid The Challenge.
1. “I have plenty of time to lose weight.”
How long have you been telling yourself this lie? How long will you believe it? Remind yourself no one knows the future. We have no guarantee of next month, next week, or next heartbeat. When it comes to losing weight procrastination is not your friend. NOW is the time to attack your weight issues.
2. “I’m not that fat.”
You might be right. I don’t know how much extra weight you carry. But here’s what I do know. At almost any point in my life I lived in delusional ignorance of those pesky pounds. Even when I labored under the load of an extra 100 pounds I didn’t admit my problem. I had the magical power of denial. Do an honest assessment. If you need to lose weight, do it. If not, go eat a banana split for me.
3. “I’ve always failed at losing weight so I will fail this time.”
If we were in the same room and you used this excuse I would ask you to stand up, bend over, and grab your ankles. Then I would kick you in the behind. C’mon on man. This is the lamest excuse of all. The greatest sin, the fatal sin, is the sin of giving up. Don’t buy into this lie. Trust me. You are worth fighting for. Grit your teeth. Try again and believe this is your your time to succeed.
4. “I can’t afford to eat good weight loss food.”
I’ve used this excuse several times in my own life. I convinced myself I couldn’t lose weight because I didn’t have as much money as Oprah who could hire someone to cook diet food. But guess what? After using this excuse I still sat around fat. My excuse only kept me from doing what needed to be done. The truth about losing weight is not eating expense diet food; it’s about eating less calories.
5. “It will be too hard.”
Of all the excuses this one might come the closest to being true. Yes. This is going to be hard. Signing up for The Challenge brings to mind the old Marine slogan: “The few. The proud. The brave.” It will be hard but it will not be TOO hard. This is not beyond your grasp. If this food addict can do it, so can you. I’ve followed The Rule to the letter for 7 weeks and lost 17 pounds. Accept it will be difficult. But also know you can do this. We are in this together.
So there you go. Determine right now these excuses will not keep you from being part of The 30 Day Eat Less Challenge. I hope you are getting excited. Victory is just around the corner.
What else do you need to know about The Challenge?
Click HERE to sign up to be part of The Challenge.
IF YOU NEED TO GET CAUGHT UP: go back to the home page, scroll down, and find the other articles about The 30 Day Challenge.
Feel free to leave a comment below of join the conversation on my Facebook page by clicking HERE.
Disclaimer: I’m not a medical doctor. This blog is not intended to provide medical advice. Please consult your doctor before engaging in any weight loss program.
Here’s my excuse, and it’s a pretty good one. I had the stomach flu last week and I have been eating very little since…my stomach seems to have shrunk and I CAN’T eat as much as I used to! How’s that?