Do you need a speaker for your event?


Standing in front of an audience has been part of my life for over 30 years while serving as a Pastor. During those years I’ve communicated truth with humor, urgency, and passion. In speaking to groups over 3,000 times I’ve learned the importance of clarity in addressing specific audiences.

Currently I speak every week in my role as a transitional pastor. Consider inviting me to speak to your church, group, organization, or event.


When you book me to speak at your event here’s what you can expect:

  • Prompt response.
  • Communication to clarify your expectations.
  • Energy.
  • Promotion of your event on my website and social media.
  • Top notch delivery.

CDAPreachSpeaking Topics

For events related to making the rest of life the best of life I’m able to speak as a keynote or in breakouts on a variety of subjects. Here’s a few examples:

  • Growing Older and Loving It.
  • Becoming a Cheer Leader for Your New Young Pastor.
  • How to Make the Rest of Life The Best of Life.
  • How to Reinvent Yourself.
  • How to ReFIRE Instead of Retire.
  • Make Peace with The Past So You Can Embrace The Future.
  • Ending Your Disappointment with God.

Contact me for more information.

Here’s a sample video clip of me in action.

Feel free to contact me for more information and availability.

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